
Showing posts from August, 2021

Best Exercise for Weight Loss

What exercise is best for weight loss? Honestly, the best exercise is what ever you like to do. Yes it is true that some types of exercise burns more calories than others but if you try to force yourself to do something you don’t enjoy how many times are you really going to do it? At one point I really wanted to be a runner. It burns lots of calories and I just thought it sounded cool to say I went for a run. Guess what? I hated it. I kept trying to force myself to do it. I was trying one of those programs to work up to a full 30  minute run- walk a couple minutes then run for a minute and repeat. You are supposed to work up to walk and run in even amounts and begin to transition to all running. Nope, not happening for me. I love to go for walks outside but sometimes I want to push myself a little more than that so I walk as fast as I can and to bring my heart rate up a little I will take off and run when I feel like it for as long as I want to. Sometimes I run for 30 seconds, someti