Welcome to Weighless Habits

Lose Weight and Get Healthy One Habit at at Time

Most websites and weight loss plans make getting healthy seem so confusing and hard that you don’t know where to start. Let’s just keep it simple. Losing weight and getting healthy is all about changing unhealthy habits and making better choices.

Life is nothing more than a series of choices, one decision building on the next. You have the power to choose how you want to live your life and everyday is a brand new start.
If you aren’t happy- change
If you don’t feel well and have tons of energy most days- CHANGE!
We are not meant to live life that way.

Real change takes time. It takes weeks to change a habit so be patient with yourself. You didn’t get unhealthy overnight so you won’t be able to see changes overnight either. Follow the plan and everyday you will feel a little better than you did the day before. You will feel more energy, healthier, stronger.

Real Lasting Weight Loss and Health  is a Journey not a Quick Fix

This journey is something to be proud of. Not everyone makes the decision to change their life but you did.
You can choose to follow a plan that promises immediate  results however once you stop following that plan  your weight will come back just as quickly and you may slow your metabolism to a point where it is harder to lose weight the next time. This is not about a quick fix- this is your new life.

It’s all a mind game.

You can brainwash your mind and body to crave healthy foods more than junk. And you can train your body to crave exercise. I know you are thinking “ yeah right, that’s not gonna happen” I get it! I used to weigh over 250 pounds and I could put away some junk food and the only exercise I would get was pushing the cart through the store to get that unhealthy stuff. I have lost over 90 pounds and for the most part have kept it off for over 10 years.  More importantly I don’t really want the junk very much anymore. I feel great most days and very rarely get sick.
I do still love pizza and chocolate and when I want it, I eat it. You have to be able to enjoy life.
If you feed your body what it needs there is less room for the foods that make you unhealthy. Doesn’t that make sense?

Change How You Think to Lose Weight Easily

So, where do you start?
You have to eat to lose weight. Our bodies are designed to go into starvation mode and hang onto fat if we don’t eat. The key is to focus on what you can eat and not what you can’t. The hard part is figuring out how much you should eat of what and when. It can seem overwhelming but if you break it all down into one small habit at a time you will end your struggles.

You can change your life with the right thinking, an understanding of healthy eating and slowly incorporating movement into your life.
Stop saying “I want to lose weight”. Wanting something is the same thing as making a wish. You don’t have to wish for the body and life you want- go get it!
To get started you just have to follow the WeighLess Habits plan!
You can do this and I will be with you every step of the way!
