The 15 Minute After Dinner Walking Secret To Weight Loss

The Biggest Small Change that Can Help You Lose Weight and Feel Better

Hippocrates, the father of western medicine, wrote "walking is a man's best medicine".

Walking is a basic part of our human experience but with our busy lives and all of our modern conveniences not many of us take the time to do much of it.

We spend our days driving from one place to another, looking for the closest parking spots and taking the elevators not the stairs.

We get home from our busy, stressful days to make dinner and settle in front of the T.V. or computer. We mindlessly pass the time for the rest of the evening flipping through the channels or scrolling Facebook.

Most of us say we have a problem with snacking in the evening or even think that we are hungrier at night but the truth is we often overeat because we are bored not hungry. 

Even those of us that are busy in the evenings shuttling kids to activities, we still spend a lot of time sitting, waiting and staring at our phones.

One small change that can greatly improve your health, weight, stress and mood is a simple 15 minute walk after dinner.

The Amazing  Health Benefits of a 15 Minute After Dinner Walk

Studies show that as little as 15 minutes of walking after a meal helps with digestion, boosts metabolism, helps you sleep better and reduces stress.

Walking after dinner helps move food along your digestive track faster preventing digestive disorders such as heartburn and GERD.

When you do any type of moderate activity such as walking, your body converts more of those after meal calories into energy for that activity instead of storing as body fat. This metabolic boost is amplified when you walk after dinner on a regular basis.

Over time even small increases in movement can increase your basal metabolic rate or the amount of calories your body burns even at rest. When you increase your BMR and your calories stay the same you will lose weight without eating less even in your sleep.

Walking after dinner can also help you sleep better, reduce stress and promotes feelings of calm especially when you walk outside.

Any activity that raises your heart rate increases the production of endorphins, a central nervous system chemical related to morphine, which helps with pain relief and induces feelings of pleasure/happiness. The release of these endorphins also reduces stress hormones and improves mood.

Every Journey Starts With a First Step

Yes, it is much easier to just flop down on the couch after dinner tonight than take the first step to creating a new healthy habit but is that really what your want?

Just try a 15 minute walk after dinner for one week and see how you feel. Then, extend it for another week. 

It takes 21 days to form a new habit. It is just 15 minutes.........
