3 reasons you need to drink water to lose weight

Starting right now concentrate on drinking at least 8 glasses of water each day.

  1. All functions in our body require water. Drinking water helps these processes happen more quickly which increases your metabolism.
  2. If you don’t take in enough water your body gets dehydrated. If there is even a slight dehydration your body may mistake hunger for thirst and you may start looking for something to eat when you really just wanted some water. 
  3. Water also triggers the part of your brain that tells you when you are full which will curb your appetite. 

Your goal is to drink at least 8 cups of water everyday. If you don’t like plain water just keep trying. You will get used to it! It’s not hard to quickly swallow a cup of water without thinking about it. Eventually you will learn to like it I promise!

You have to spread your water out throughout the day. Start first thing in the morning and drink a glass of water as soon as you get up. Drink a glass before each meal and snack. This is a good way to fill up your stomach a little before food even gets there. Another 8 ounces while you workout will help you stay hydrated and finish your exercise strong. Carry a water bottle with you and sip on it during the day. You will have more energy and feel better.

Now before you start saying “ oh no, I am not giving up my soda or coffee” stay with me here. I did not say to cut those things out! Just add the water too. This is about adding healthy habits remember? We are focusing on adding healthy habits in not cutting things out. But, I bet you naturally will not want as much coffe or soda after drinking 8 glasses of water. See how this works? Pretty cool huh?

One last thing about drinking water especially if you don’t drink much of it now- your body is probably at least a little dehydrated and it will take a couple of days to adjust. You may need a few extra bathroom breaks for a couple of days. This is temporary and will go away in a couple of days so don’t give up!
