Fruits to help with weight loss

Eating at least 3 servings of fruit each day can help you with your weight loss goals. Fruits contain a large number of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to provide your body with strong health benefits.

Many fruits are also high in fiber which helps fill you up and contain natural sugars to help control cravings. Some fruits contain pectin. Pectin works as natural fat burners and can help boost metabolism.

Some great fruit choices for weight loss include:

  • Oranges- negative calorie fruit which means it contains less calories than your body requires to burn it. Pretty awesome right? 
  • Blueberries/Strawberries- helps produce fat burning hormones increasing metabolism and rich in antioxidants 
  • Apples- high in fiber, antioxidants and helps prevent blood sugar spikes and cravings
  • Grapefruit- studies show eating a half grapefruit before each meal helps reduce belly fat
  • Tomatoes- stimulates production of amino acid carnitine which speeds up the body’s fat burning capacity
Eating a third of your diet as fruit and vegetables will reduce your calorie consumption dramatically while still allowing you to eat more food and not go hungry. Reach for fruit for snacks and a serving with breakfast and you are all set. 

Keep drinking at least 64 ounces of water each day, at least 3 servings of both fruits and vegetables and there will be way less room for any unhealthy stuff. 

See, small changes one at a time! 
You can do this!!
