Basic Upper Body Workout Everyone Can Do

We are going to start adding in some strength training to build some muscle tone. I know you don’t want to get all bulked up and build huge muscles. We aren’t talking about big, manly muscles, just some lean muscle tissue that will make everything in your life a little easier including weight loss. Muscle tissue is active and fat is not. The more muscle you build, the more calories you burn without even trying.

When you are losing weight you want to be rebuilding your body and shape with toning your muscles. If you don’t, what you will be left with a thinner version of the body you have now without any shape.

The muscle group we are going to start out with is your upper body. Each day you will learn a new exercise and then put them together to form a basic upper body workout. You will need some sort of weight for these exercises. If you are new to this 3-5 pound weights will work great or you can even use full water bottles to get started.

 Basic full upper body workout- complete 3 sets/ 12 reps of each of the exercises below

Exercise 1- Bicep Curls (front muscle of upper arm)
Starting position:
     Stand with feet slightly apart, knees bent a little,abs tight. Grab a weight in each hand with an underhand grip. Lock elbows to sides of your torso and rest weights on front of your thigh.
     Take a deep breath and slowly curl weights almost to your shoulder. Squeeze your muscle on the way up. Slowly lower weights to starting position with control- do not just drop them.
One curl equals one rep. Repeat for 12 reps. Rest for 30 seconds then repeat for a second and third time which are called sets.

Exercise 2- Tricep (back of upper arm)

Starting position:
    Kneel on a bench or chair with weight in opposite hand. Lean forward from your waist and support your body weight on the bench with your free hand. Keep upper arm of your weighted hand fixed to your side with elbow up. The movement will be from your elbow only using your tricep muscle.
    Push weighted hand up until elbow is almost straight back but don’t lock elbow. Slowly lower to starting position with control, don’t just drop it.

Repeat for 12 reps then switch sides. Repeat alternating sides two more times for a total of 3sets.

Exercise 3- Shoulders
Starting position:
    Start with feet slightly apart, back straight, arms straight down at sides. Hold a weight in each hand, palms facing inward.
     Raise weight to shoulder level, arms straight with slight bend in elbow. Slowly lower with control to starting position to complete one rep.

Repeat for 12 reps, rest for 30 seconds and then repeat for a second and third time for 3 sets.

Exercise 4- Chest Wall Push-ups
Starting position-
     Start by facing a wall arms length away, feet slighty apart, legs straight but knees not locked, abs tight to protect your back. Place hands on wall slightly wider than shoulder width apart. The further your feet are away from the wall the more difficult it will be.
     Keeping head in neutral position bend elbows to lower chest toward wall coming as close as you can but not touching it.  Strengthen arms and return to starting position without locking elbows.

Repeat 10 times. Rest for 30 seconds then repeat for a total of 3 sets.
