Exercise To Burn Fat

To lose weight and feel healthy we have to move more. You aren’t going to start out running marathons just slowly building exercise into your life. Exercise raises your metabolism, burns calories and helps relieve stress to put you in a better mood.

This should not be something you dread doing. If you don’t enjoy it, you won’t keep doing it. Remember this is about creating life long habits.

To burn fat you need to get your heart rate up for an extended period of time. The easiest and one of the best forms of exercise is walking. Walking burns the most fat per calorie compared to jogging or sprinting. Fat needs oxygen to break it down for energy. When you are out of breath such as when you jog or run your body will use other energy like carbs for energy. I am not saying that you should not push yourself a little- just don’t get so out of breath that you can’t speak.

Start adding in a 30 minute walk or dance workout, bike ride .... anything you enjoy and will keep your heart rate up without stopping for 30 minutes.
