Raise Your Self Esteem to Lower Your Weight

Self image is closely related to the success or failure of any goal you seek.

To break old habits and develop healthy ones you need to see yourself in a positive light. Healthy self esteem is a very positive and attractive trait. Just like your muscles your self esteem will strengthen with regular mental workouts.

No matter where you are starting whether you want to lose 100 pounds, 20 pounds or just want to be healthier and feel better you have to believe in yourself now!

Stand, walk and smile like a person who feels great. Fake it till you make it if you have to. Don’t really feel fabulous yet? Pretend like you do. Have you ever laughed really hard on purpose for no reason? Try it. Laugh as hard as you can for 30 seconds looking in a  mirror. I bet it instantly lifts your mood. Same thing with how you feel in the day.

From this moment on you are not allowed to think negatively of yourself. We are going to work on a few short assignments in your journal. This is a very important step in your weight loss journey so please take the time to reprogram your brain. It’s totally worth it.

Your first assignment everyday is to get yourself together in the morning. When you look better; you feel better. When you feel better, you will take better care of yourself.  I am not talking a full out, getting ready for a date kind of get yourself together but at least shower, brush your teeth, a little makeup and do a little something with your hair even if it’s just a cute ponytail. This takes just a few minutes seriously and can change the decisions you make the rest of the day. If you feel better, you will make better choices for yourself.

More assignments coming up.....
