Start a Journal to Jumpstart Weight Loss

Having the right mindset is the MOST important part of weight loss. It will give you motivation, commitment and help you overcome obstacles. Your mind controls what you eat and whether or not you exercise.

You can have all the information in the world  but if you don’t have the right way of thinking then you won’t act on all that fabulous info.

Did you ever wonder why so many people complain about needing or wanting to lose weight but fail to do so? It’s all in your head! Programming your brain for this new life style is not a quick process. You have to regularly monitor and be aware of how you are thinking. You can think yourself thin or think yourself unhealthy. You can literally retrain your brain from unhealthy habits to healthy ones that support the life that you want. If you want to change your body, you must change your mind.

To lose weight and keep it off you will need to do some mental homework every day. Keeping a weight loss journal is a great way to reinforce all the changes you are making and help keep you focused.

Each day you will have a short “mind” assignment and the first one is to set up your journal. Get a binder or simple notebook and have it ready. You are going to write a short daily entry for your mind, how you are feeling etc. please don’t underestimate this step. Studies have shown that keeping a journal can double your weight loss.

This is so very simple but it is not always going to be easy. If this was an easy process then everyone would be healthy, at their ideal weight and feeling great.

Be strong enough to do this for yourself.  Just follow your plan for 28 days and you will amaze yourself!!
