Think Yourself Thin

It is proven that what you imagine and focus on is what life will give you. When you fill your mind with doubt and negative thoughts  you are preventing yourself from becoming the fit, healthy person you want to be.

When you meantally prepare to lose weight your body responds to the subconscious coaching. You start to want more healthy food and you will move more. Your brain controls your body and your thoughts control your brain.

We become what we think and say. Picture yourself how you want to look and feel. If you want to be fit and healthy picture yourself that way. Visualize your future self 6 months from now and how good you will feel without the extra pounds dragging you down.

You have to keep your goal at the front of your mind at all times. Find pictures in magazines and online of bodies similar to what you would like to achieve. Please be realistic with this. Models that are bone thin in pictures should not be your goal. First, the photos are probably photoshopped and not what the models really look like in real life. You want to be healthy and have tons of energy. Most tiny models eat very little and have health problems because they are not giving their bodies what they need.

Print or cut out a few of the photos of your “goal” body and post them on the inside of your kitchen cabinets and refrigerator. Every time you reach for food look at these pictures and decide if what you are about to eat will help you on the road to the body you want. If not, make a healthier choice.

You have the power to choose to change your life or stay where you are now. What are you going to do with this power?

You can do this!
