
Showing posts from December, 2017

How to Overcome Cravings

Would it surprise you if I told you that losing weight has very little to do with willpower? Well read on because I am about to blow your mind. In any given moment there are over 100,000 chemical reactions happening in your brain. Your sends signals to nerves throughout your body through messengers called neurotransmitters. Many neurotransmitters control how you feel throughout the day. Some cause alertness while others produce feelings of calmness. What you eat can effect the formation of these transmitters. Your brain constantly seeks balance and learns what to do to reach that balance or pleasure. This drive can be hard to override and often leads us to overeat. How a food smells, tastes and the texture can excite chemicals in the brain that leads to pleasure, releases stress and produces a calming reaction. You can learn new habits that help give your brain balance. Serotonin and endorphins are messengers that have a strong connection to the foods you eat. Serotonin brings