How to Overcome Cravings

Would it surprise you if I told you that losing weight has very little to do with willpower? Well read on because I am about to blow your mind.

In any given moment there are over 100,000 chemical reactions happening in your brain. Your sends signals to nerves throughout your body through messengers called neurotransmitters. Many neurotransmitters control how you feel throughout the day. Some cause alertness while others produce feelings of calmness.

What you eat can effect the formation of these transmitters. Your brain constantly seeks balance and learns what to do to reach that balance or pleasure. This drive can be hard to override and often leads us to overeat. How a food smells, tastes and the texture can excite chemicals in the brain that leads to pleasure, releases stress and produces a calming reaction. You can learn new habits that help give your brain balance.

Serotonin and endorphins are messengers that have a strong connection to the foods you eat.

Serotonin brings feelings of peace, calmness and satisfaction. It is a very powerful mood enhancer and appetite regulator. Carbohydrate rich foods increase concentrations of an amino acid called tryptophan which is the building block for serotonin. In other words eating carbs can lead to feelings of calmness, satisfaction and peace. This is another reason that cutting out certain food groups may not be a good idea. Carbs are not the enemy.

Endorphins are very powerful natural opiates in the brain that produce feelings of intense pleasure. They can also reduce pain. You have probably heard of the term “runner’s high”? This has to do with the release of the feel good endorphins after a long workout or run. Some researchers have found that sugar/fat combinations can also lead to enhanced production of endorphins.

Any foods with high fat and high sugar content can increase endorphin and serotonin levels. This causes cravings for chocolate, donuts, baked goods, ice cream etc.  When your brain is seeking a “pick me up” it remembers that these foods produce the feel good hormones and now you have a craving. That’s quite an irristable combination when you are stressed out, sad or need a mood lift.

To help your brain achieve balance so it doesn’t have to resort to cravings so often try to modify your eating habits.

  • Eat breakfast to improve alertness
  • Eat 5-6 small meals a day to keep blood sugar in balance
  • Eat high protein/high carb foods together to stabilize blood sugars 
  • Exercise increases endorphins, relieves stress and reduces food cravings

When a craving does hit remember that most cravings only last 4-12 minutes. Try to do something to take your mind off food. Go for a walk, paint your nails, talk on the phone etc.  From time to time everyone gives in to their cravings and that is not necessarily a bad thing. If you occasionally splurge and dramatically spike your calories you will encourage fat loss by ensuring your metabolism rate doesn’t drop from extended calorie restrictions. Just make sure you cut off your splurge at least a couple hours before bed. Also take note of how you feel. I have over done it with chocolate before and it was a long time before I wanted anything to do with another candy bar. Don’t let your splurge drag on for days- start your healthy life again right away. 
