
Showing posts from August, 2019

Are You Tired and Stressed Out? You Can Choose How You Want To Live!

Living a healthy lifestyle is not just about being skinny or a number on the scale. its about feeling strong, healthy and happy. This is not all about how you look or what size jeans you wear although your self esteem will sky rocket when you are proud of the results you see in the mirror when you take control of your health. But, this goes even deeper than that. Your quality of life is directly related to the way you take care of your health and body. How do you feel most days? Are you tired? Do you get sick often? You can choose how you want to live and everyday is a brand new start! A Bad Day Just Gets Worse Being tired plays a huge price on how you live your life. You have a lot to get done everyday whether you feel like it or not. That ever growing to-do list can feel overwhelming which makes you stressed out and irritable, maybe even depressed. You find yourself snapping at the people around you. That feels terrible so your mood gets worse. You are busy all day a

8 Reasons Why Losing Weight is So Darn Hard

8 Reasons Why Losing Weight is So Darn Hard Let’s be honest- most of us know basically how to lose weight and get healthy but if you are struggling you are not alone. Over 70% of Americans are considered overweight leading to some uncomfortable daily activities, clothes that don’t fit or look the way you want and increasing your chances of developing health issues.   I have been 100 pounds overweight in the past and know firsthand how physically and emotionally heavy those pounds are.   I could never find clothes that I really liked so I kind of gave up trying to be fashionable in the least. I didn’t really like how I looked anyway so what was the point? My lack of self-confidence held me back from doing a lot of things I wanted to do. Even my actual size kept me being able to do the things I wanted.   How we look and feel affects pretty much every aspect of our lives so why did it take me so long to take action to change my life?   Here are some of t

How to Start Exercising at Any Age and Weight

Starting a New Exercise Habit Phase 1 Starting a new exercise habit can seem overwhelming but it doesn't have to be. Everything in life happens in stages including exercise.  How many times have you been all excited to start a new workout so you jump all in and quickly lose your enthusiasm because it was so hard that it was just not fun. You might have tried a few times but each time left you sore and exhausted so one day you just stopped.  I have heard so many people say that they hate to exercise and that is exactly why. Moving your body and developing YOUR exercise habit must happen in stages. When you were a baby, you didn't just get up and start running one day. It happened in stages: creeping, crawling, standing holding on to something, standing on your own and then taking those first few steps. What if you had decided that it was just too hard after you fell so many times and quit? Of course you didn't decide to just keep crawling- walking is the natura
Planning Your Healthy Life and Easy Meal Prep Strategies for Weight Loss Weight loss and healthy, energetic life does not just happen. You must plan for it. There are lots of things that will be roadblocks for you if you don’t have a game plan. You must carve a little time out of your day and make it your own. How you feel both physically and mentally affects your entire life. Your workouts and time to prepare your healthy food should be scheduled just like everything else in your life. Many mornings I do not really want to get up and get moving. I just tell myself that if I get a few minutes into my workout and don’t feel like working hard then I can take it easy. Any movement is better than no movement at all. Nine times out of ten I get into it. Working out in the morning has become a part of my morning routine just like brushing my teeth. What time will be best for your “movement” time? If possible, it is best to workout first thing in the morning. This way you get

Why You Must Break the Sugar Habit to Lose Weight and How to Kick it

Most Americans consume triple the amount of added sugar than the recommended amount. Where does all this extra sugar come from? Well, we all know the usual suspects: soda, candy, candy, cookies, cakes, ice cream…… But there are also a ton of hidden sugar in foods that you might not expect. Most prepared and processed foods have added sugar. Some food manufacturers add sugar to foods that you don’t consider to be sweet. Some breakfast cereals, yogurts, spaghetti sauce and salad dressings may surprise you if you look at the nutrition labels. Any food that has more than 6 grams of sugar per serving and/or more sugar than fiber is not going to help with your healthy lifestyle, so make another choice. High sugar intake has been linked to diabetes, heart disease and breast cancer. This fact alone should be enough to make us all take a closer look at how much of this sweet stuff we are putting into our bodies But, what does too much sugar intake have to do with weight loss? Su