Are You Tired and Stressed Out? You Can Choose How You Want To Live!

Living a healthy lifestyle is not just about being skinny or a number on the scale. its about feeling strong, healthy and happy. This is not all about how you look or what size jeans you wear although your self esteem will sky rocket when you are proud of the results you see in the mirror when you take control of your health. But, this goes even deeper than that.

Your quality of life is directly related to the way you take care of your health and body.
How do you feel most days? Are you tired? Do you get sick often?

You can choose how you want to live and everyday is a brand new start!

A Bad Day Just Gets Worse

Being tired plays a huge price on how you live your life. You have a lot to get done everyday whether you feel like it or not. That ever growing to-do list can feel overwhelming which makes you stressed out and irritable, maybe even depressed.

You find yourself snapping at the people around you. That feels terrible so your mood gets worse.

You are busy all day and all you can think about is getting home. When you finally get home, you are exhausted and sit down to veg out in front of the TV. You are looking for anything that will make you feel better so you grab a bag of chips and settle in for your favorite show. Okay, that is starting to feel better. You feel relaxed as you finish up the bag.

You want to enjoy this relaxed feeling a little longer so you stay up too late again. You drag yourself to bed knowing tomorrow is a busy day and you really need to get a good night sleep. But, that's not going to happen. That late night bag of chips has your body working overtime and that means your sleep pattern is out of whack.

Another Sleepless Night

It is 3am and you are wide awake staring at the time. "Okay, if I fall asleep in the next 15 minutes I will have enough sleep! Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep. Ugh, why am I still awake?"

It is 4am and you are still awake. If you fall asleep in the next few minutes it will still be enough. Nope, not happening.  You get on Facebook to see if anyone else is awake. The light from the screen tells your brain it is time to wake up.

Now it is 5am and you are staring at the ceiling thinking about how stressful the day is going to be with no sleep.

You finally drift off to sleep just as the alarm goes off. Why does it seem like that is when we get into the deepest sleep? You hit snooze a few times and now you are late.

No Sleep = A Long Day

You get up just as tired as when you went to bed. It is going to be a long day! You just need a jolt of energy. Caffeine and sugar to the rescue.

You rush out the door without really getting ready for the day in a way that makes you look and feel your best. You throw your hair in a ponytail again and slap a little makeup on. Who is really going to notice anyway?

You get to work on a sugar caffeine rush ready to get this day over with. Then, BAM the rush crashes. And guess what? You forgot you have an important meeting this morning. You get to stand up in front of a group of people and do a presentation looking like you just crawled out of bed.

Super stressed and tired you spend the rest of the day in a bad mood waiting for 5pm so you can go home and do it all again.

Now of course, not everyday is like this but there must be a better way!

You Don't Have to Live Stressed Out and Tired Anymore!

We have to change how we look at what a healthy lifestyle is. There is no "falling off the wagon" or "getting back on track"

It is about knowing how to feed your body and incorporating movement in a way that adds to your life not takes away from it.

Don't try to change everything all at once. Teaching yourself new, healthy habits is a process. Your healthy lifestyle must slip right into your daily routine naturally, one small habit at a time.

How amazing will it feel to have the energy for everything you need and want to do and finish your day in a good mood? You easily fuel your body with food that turns your system into a fat burning machine that give you tons of energy.  Energy you use to start incorporating some movement that helps to build lean muscle to give your body the shape you want and ease of movement.

What is it going to feel like when people start telling you how great you look and ask what you have been doing?

How will it feel to be healthy from the inside out?

WeighLess Habits 101 is Starting Soon!!!!!!!!!!!!


You just need a plan to show you how to change one small habit at a time. 

WeighLess Habits 101 starts September 7th.
It is a FREE 4 week plan to get you started on creating your healthy life. It contains a weekly plan breakdown of the habits for the week and daily worksheets that you can download and print of complete on your mobile device.

Details coming soon on the WeighLess Habits Facebook page but to make sure you keep up to date, send an email to with subject "Weighless Habits 101"
