8 Reasons Why Losing Weight is So Darn Hard

8 Reasons Why Losing Weight is So Darn Hard

Let’s be honest- most of us know basically how to lose weight and get healthy but if you are struggling you are not alone. Over 70% of Americans are considered overweight leading to some uncomfortable daily activities, clothes that don’t fit or look the way you want and increasing your chances of developing health issues. 

I have been 100 pounds overweight in the past and know firsthand how physically and emotionally heavy those pounds are.  I could never find clothes that I really liked so I kind of gave up trying to be fashionable in the least. I didn’t really like how I looked anyway so what was the point? My lack of self-confidence held me back from doing a lot of things I wanted to do. Even my actual size kept me being able to do the things I wanted.  How we look and feel affects pretty much every aspect of our lives so why did it take me so long to take action to change my life?


Here are some of the biggest obstacles I had to deal with to finally win the battle with my weight once and for all- maybe you recognize some of them for yourself?

#1 You Have Tried Everything, and Nothing Works Long Term So Why Bother?

The saying “diets don’t work” is misleading. Of course, diets work- all diets work for some people.  The problem is that traditional diets are not sustainable for most of us for life.

Anyone can lose weight with cutting your calories super low or any of the weird restrictive diets out there.  The problem is what happens when you can’t take it anymore and go back to your normal way of living?  Usually you gain back everything you lost plus more and start the cycle all over again.

 The only real way to lose weight is to give your body what it needs to be healthy. That’s it- the total weight loss secret.

But how do you do that and not get overwhelmed? Don’t try to change everything all at once. That’s another set up for failure.  The trick is to change one small habit at a time. All these little habits will then come together forming a lifestyle that feeds your body what it needs to be a fat burning, energy producing machine. 

#2 You Don’t Like Healthy Food

Healthy food absolutely does not need to be boring tasteless chicken and bland vegetables. Almost every single one of your favorite foods can be made at least a little healthier. You just need to learn how to make simple substitutions.

And guess what is super exciting? When you are feeding your body what it needs to become a fat burning machine then cheat meals almost become necessary. That means all your favorite foods are still going to be part of your life and will actually help with your weight loss goals.

#3 You Hate Being Hungry

You do not EVER have to go hungry to lose weight and get healthy.  The best way to lose weight is to fill up on foods that keep you feeling full all day and helps your body stay in fat burning mode. If you eat too little your body goes into starvation mode and holds onto fat.

#4 You Don’t Have Time to Cook

This one may seem like a very valid excuse but really, you are going to cook or prepare something right? Or maybe you eat out a lot?  Either way, it is all about knowing how and what to feed your body with so you can make the best choices and then following thru.

  Meal prepping is the easiest option. Make your meals for the week all at once or at least get everything ready to be prepared quickly. I love meal prepping. I don’t mind eating the same thing for dinner for a few nights in a row, so I make a big batch of something on Sunday and dinner is done until the weekend. I also cut up all of my vegetable for my lunch salads so it only takes a couple of minutes in the morning to pack my lunch. It really does not take much more time to cut everything up for a week than it does for one salad.

It’s all about creating habits.

#5 You Think Exercise is Boring

The trick to sticking to any exercise plan is to find something you enjoy- movement is movement!
Do you hate the idea of slugging through 30 minutes on the treadmill? Then DON’T DO IT! 

Experiment and find thing you like to do? Try some new workout videos at home, take a group fitness class like Zumba, take long walks listening to your favorite music or a good book.  Try not to feel intimidated about going to a gym or a group fitness class for the first time. I have been to so, so many gyms and classes and have always found the instructors to be helpful and kind. They are happy to have you there.

It is pretty much impossible that you cannot find something that you enjoy.

#6 You Don’t Have Time to Exercise

Lack of time is truly the biggest barrier for a lot of people.  I get it, you are busy, but you must make taking care of yourself as big of a priority as you do everything else.

You have 1,440 minutes in each day- can you really not find 30-45 minutes in your day to do something that makes you look and feel better? Can you get up earlier in the morning? Lunch time walk instead of sitting in the breakroom. Take a walk after dinner instead of sitting in front of the TV for the entire evening.

I know when you are feeling overwhelmed and tired that the thought of exercising does not sound too appealing. But even a quick workout can help lift your mood and give you a little pick me up. Some movement is better than none.  Even on days that I am not motivated to get moving, I make myself at least get started.  I have never, ever finished a workout and thought “I really wish I had not done that”.

#7 Exercise is Too Hard and Makes You Sore

Everything in life is a progression and exercise should be too. Don’t start out pushing yourself so hard that you are miserable the entire time. You will never stick with it. Start slowly. If you are new to exercise or it’s been a while- start out with a walk with a pace that just gets you a little winded. Then move up to a brisk walk and add a little more time.  Don’t start out with an advanced video program so difficult that you give up. Either modify the workout to fit your body or find a beginner friendly program.

When you were a baby you did not start out running, it was a progression. You did the belly creep, crawled, stood up, took a couple of steps and then you probably ran every where you went for a few years. Wouldn’t it be nice to have that kind of energy again? Although we would all look a little odd if we took off running each time we went to another room.

#8 Focusing on Changing Diet Habits and Starting a New Exercise Routine is Too Much

It is true that “abs that are made in the kitchen” meaning your nutrition is going to make a far bigger impact on your weight loss goals but fitness is a very important aspect of your total body health.

Exercise helps with your mood, builds lean muscle tissue (muscle burns calories- fat does not) and helps make everyday activities easier. Building some lean muscle also helps give your body form as you lose weight. Have you ever seen someone who has lost a lot of weight but did not put on any muscle? Most of the time they look weak and a little fragile.  Don’t be that person…

Research has proven that people who start eating healthy and exercising at the same time are much more likely to still be doing both in a year.

How WeighLess Habits Can Help You Finally Reach Your Weight Loss Goal 

WeighLess Habits is a step by step 8-week guide to lose weight and get healthy by changing one small habit at a time. Learn how to feed your body to transform into a fat burning, energy producing machine. The plan is simple and includes daily checklists to help keep you on track. Simple does not necessarily mean easy. You will have to put some energy into it. 

If you are ready to change your habits and help your body become a fat burning, energy producing machine and are willing to devote the time to an exercise plan that works for you and discover your healthy way to eat,  I would love to help you.

For a limited time, I am offering a 4 week FREE WeighLess Habits 101 course that includes a weekly email that contains the breakdown of habits for the week and daily worksheets that you can print or complete on your mobile device.

WeighLess Habits 101 course starts on September 7th – if you are interested please send an email to WeighLessHabits@gmail.com with subject “invitation to 101”
