7 Super Easy Steps to Discover Your Big “Why” and Lose Weight Using Your Super Powers

Finding Your Weight Loss Super Powers

When you have discovered your big “WHY” you do not need willpower.

When you are clear, and laser focused you will be unstoppable. Your “why” is your weight loss superpower. Your superpower will help you overcome obstacles and keep you moving in the direction of your goals.

In this exercise we are going to clearly define your why and uncover all your deep-down reason for wanting to lose weight and get healthy. Don’t worry- it won’t take very long, but this is a crucial step in getting your brain on board with the healthy changes you are going to be making. So, grab a pen and some paper and let’s get to work.

Step 1: Brainstorm Your Big Why

Set a timer for 5 minutes and brainstorm all the reasons you want to lose weight. Don’t think- just write everything that comes to mind.
Here are some ideas to get you started
  •         What does being healthier and lighter mean to you?
  •          What impact are your weight and health issues having on your life? What will change when you have lost weight?
  •          What are some things you are not able to do because of your weight and health?
  •          What are the health benefits for living a healthy life?

Step 2: Decide What is So Important That You are Unstoppable

Look at your list and circle the 3 that are most important to you. What will really drive your passion for your health and your life.

Step 3: Declare Your Power Statements for Weight Loss and Health

Write your first why and then ask why is this so important to me? Set a timer for 3 minutes and write everything that comes to mind. Do the same with your other 2 circled why statements from step 2. These are your Power Statements.

Step 4: Write Your Power Affirmations for Easy Weight Loss

Write your power affirmations. If you are not familiar with affirmations, they are brief sentences that affect your conscious and subconscious mind. Words in affirmations bring up mental images that inspire and motivate you. When affirmations are used daily these images become engraved into the brain and change habits and behaviors.

The brain does not know the difference between reality and what information you give it. If you tell your brain you are healthy and at your ideal weight- you will be. Your brain will look for ways to affirm what you tell it. If you feed your brain negative thoughts, it can only bring negative actions.

“What you think and say repeatedly is what you get!” When positive statements are used often with feeling the brain will be rewired to achieve your goals.

Write a positive affirmation for each of your Power Statements. Keep writing until they excite you… what do you truly want?  How do you want to feel? Really think about what will drive you to keep going when things get hard. Write in present tense- your brain only knows present tense. Start each with the following:
  • I am ……….
  • I have ………..
  • I feel ……….

Write your affirmations individually on notecards. . Even if this seems a little too woo-woo for you, take the time to do it anyway. I promise you will be happy you did. This is all about changing habits and behaviors remember?

Step 5: Why Don't You Want to Lose Weight?

Discover hidden reason why you don’t want to lose weight and get healthier. These are your roadblocks that we need to bust through.
Set a timer for 5 minutes and answer the following without thinking:
  •          What are the benefits for staying where I am?
  •          What fears do I have about losing weight?
  •          What has prevented me in the past from losing weight and keeping it off?
  •          What is the worse case scenario of not losing weight?
  •          What might stop me from reaching my goals?

 Step 6: Overpower Your Roadblocks to Weight Loss

Connect Your Superpowers to Your Roadblocks.  Write each of your roadblocks followed by the word “but” and add one of your Power Statements.
Example: “I have not been able to stay motivated in the past but, I am strong and can do anything I set my mind to”

Step 7: Turn Your Roadblocks into Weight Loss Super Powers

Write your old roadblocks into new affirmations. Take each roadblock that you connected to your superpowers and write them in a positive affirmation.
Example  “ I am strong and can do anything I set my mind to do. I am motivated and driven and will not give up on my dreams”
Write these affirmations on notecards individually and put with the other ones.  We will be using them all soon……

When to Use Your Weight Loss Super Power Affirmations

To quickly reprogram your brain to lose weight you will need to repeat your affirmations often during the day. 

Start each day by taking just a few minutes and focus on a couple of your affirmations. By starting your day with your affirmations you are setting your day in a positive state of mind. 

When you need a mental break during the day, saying your affirmations will help bring you back to a positive place. 

Before you go to bed is a powerful time to focus on your weight loss affirmations. Your brain will have the entire night to work out new ways to help you to your goal. 

How to Use Your Weight Loss Affirmations

Keep a stack of affirmations in several places to make it easy- by your bed, at your desk, in your car, in your purse... anywhere you might have a few minutes to think about your goal. 

  • Take 3 deep breaths through your nose and then exhale through your mouth to a count of 10
  • Say your affirmation out loud if possible. Standing in front of a mirror looking in your eyes is even better. But, you can also just think your affirmations.
  • Say or think your affirmations slowly and clearly. Really feel what you are saying. Visualize your goal. 
  • Repeat each affirmation 3 times.
  • Take 3 deep breaths after each affirmation and feel the positive feeling in your body.

If you have doubts about why you want to lose weight, your doubts will stand in your way.  This is one of the reasons people are not able to lose weight. 

Your Weight Loss Super Power Affirmations will affirm and make your brain believe that you have already achieved your goals. 

"What you repeatedly think and say is what you will get!"