Low Carb Diet Food Planner

What To Include in Low Carb Meal Plan

When you start a low carb way of eating it might be confusing trying to figure out what you can and cannot eat. There is a common misconception that low carb means eating all the eggs, bacon and cheese you want. I am not sure where this started but I know I definitely fell for it the first time I tried Keto. I read that I could just eat a bunch of things I love, and the weight would magically fall off. I ate bacon, cheese, olives, beef jerky, lunch meat wrapped around cream cheese, big portions of all kinds of meats. A few weeks later not only did I hate the sight of eggs, but I had lost very little weight after the initial water weight. This was not a healthy way to do low carb.

What You Cannot Eat on a Low Carb Diet

Let’s start out with what you should not be including in your low carb diet.

 First on the list is sugar and that means ALL sugar in cakes, candy, cookies, baked goods and even honey. If you are a sugar addict (no judging, I was a complete junkie) you will automatically lose weight just from not giving in to your sugar cravings. Don’t freak out though- we will be discussing options for getting a sweet fix without spiking your insulin levels and going against your new healthy goals.

Next obvious no-no are breads and grains. Grains include all rice, wheat oats etc.  One slice of wheat bread has 17 grams of carbs which is about 1/3 of your daily carb goal. Totally not worth it especially when I can show you substitutions for almost anything you crave.

A surprising food group that you should leave out for now are fruits. Yes, I know we have been told to eat our fruits and vegetables to be healthy and once you are at your goal weight there is no reason to not add some fruit back into your diet especially berries. But the reason most fruit is so sweet is the natural sugars and sugar isn’t your friend on low carb.  Berries are the lowest in carbs but still have 50 grams of carbs in ½ cup. That’s your entire day carb goal.

There are a ton of vegetables that are perfect for your low carb way of eating but the starchy vegetables must go for now. Corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and beats should not be included in your meals.  I am providing you with a cheat sheet of the many, many vegetables that you can have so you are not limited by any means.

Don’t shoot the messenger and I am sure you already knew this but… pasta is off the menu too. One cup of pasta has 43 grams of carbs. Again, I do have some substitute ideas coming but you are going to have to keep an open mind and be willing to try new things.

You may need to rethink breakfast- cereals and oatmeal are not on the low carb table.  One bowl of cereal could put you over your daily carb limit.

Another food that does not make the low carb cut is sweetened yogurt. Did you know that sweetened yogurt has as much sugar as ice cream? Crazy huh?

Even though some juices have a lot of nutrients they also tend to have as much carbs as soda so don’t drink either one.

This one may surprise you and scare you a little if you are coming from the low-fat world of dieting like I was, but low-fat and fat free dressings and dairy products contain a lot of sugar to make them taste better. The fat is removed which takes away from the taste, so sugar is addend to make it taste good. This means lots of carbs. Go for the full fat versions. I know, I get it… this can be very hard to get into your head. We will be talking about healthy fats and why they are important soon.

Beans and legumes are nutrition but contain lots of carbs- 1 cup is around 40 grams so for now they get left out too.

Chips and crackers are probably pretty obvious but worth mentioning. 15 average size tortilla chips contain 18 grams of carbs. There are some alternatives to this too so just hang in there.

Ready for another surprise? Regular dairy milk has a lot of carbs. If you are going to have milk, make it almond milk or a nondairy version with no carbs or sugar.

Now that we have gotten the “what not to eat” list out of the way lets get to the fun part- what you can eat!

What to Eat on a Low Carb Diet

You have so many options when it comes to eating low carb. I have designed a cheat sheet to help you get started with options for protein, vegetables and healthy fats. Those are your big 3 when it comes to low carb way of eating.

Low Carb Vegetables

Vegetables will make up a large portion of what you eat everyday if you are doing this low carb thing the healthy way. If you are not currently a big fan of vegetables don’t run away yet… if you truly want to change your health and lose weight it is time to open your mind a little.

 Have you tried mashed cauliflower? It has the exact same consistency of mashed potatoes and not much flavor which means you can add any seasonings you want to make it taste good. Add some butter, salt and pepper and I bet soon you be able to tell the difference. You may never miss regular mashed potatoes again.

Think you will miss pasta? This one may take some getting used to but try zucchini noodles. You can buy them fresh in most produce departments, frozen with the frozen vegetables or it is easy and much cheaper to make your own with a spiralizer.  This spiralizer on Amazon is inexpensive, small and super easy to use.

Really keep an open mind about this idea but… if you love hash browns and hate the idea of giving them up try this- drain a package of can of sauerkraut really well and blot with paper towels. Coat a baking sheet with olive oil, spread the sauerkraut thinly over the pan and sprinkle with salt and pepper and any other seasoning that sounds good. Bake on 350 degrees for 20 minutes or until the liquid has evaporated. Turn over and continue to cook until it has reached the texture of hash browns. I know, I know it sounds really weird but try it. Baking takes out the sour taste and leaves you with hash browns with no carbs.

Ready for another crazy sounding idea? Think you will miss chips? My favorite crunchy snack is baked ranch cucumber chips. Slice a couple of cucumbers thin- about the width of a thick chip (this is much easier with a  mandoline slicer but a knife works too), pat dry to remove excess water and bake on parchment paper lined baking sheet in 250 degree oven. These take a while to cook because you want to dehydrate more than bake. The cooking time varies according to your oven. The original recipe said it would take at least 2 hours, but I cook them in my 7-in-1 convection oven, and it took less than an hour. Once they are cooked to your desired crispiness, sprinkle with ranch or any seasoning you like and let cool. Super easy, very healthy and low carb chips.

Are you getting the picture? Eating vegetables does not have to be boring. Get creative but keep things simple starting out.

Protein is Important in Your Low Carb Lifestyle but Not Too Much

Somewhere along the low carb history it became common for people to focus on just eating a bunch of protein and cheese. There are still well-meaning people out there that might try to guide you in that direction but going overboard with your protein could stop your weight loss efforts and too much protein is difficult for your body to process.

A healthy low carb way of eating does include a higher than normal amount of protein which will help you feel full, increase your fat burning and help you build lean muscle.

We are going to discuss how to build your meals a little later but for now look at the cheat sheet and start getting some ideas of the types of protein you like and can add to your meals and snacks.

On another note- a lot of low carb dieters talk a lot about protein shakes. I don’t recommend them for a couple of reasons. One is that drinking a meal does not tell your brain that you have eaten so you may not get the message that you are full and satisfied like you will by actually eating and chewing food. Second, they can be kind of expensive and really not necessary. But if you do not like to eat breakfast or are too busy to eat during the day a sugar free protein shake with low carbs could help keep you from getting too hungry and making a less healthy choice. 

Let’s Talk About Fats and Why They Are Necessary in Your Low Carb Life

Most of us have been brainwashed for years into thinking that eating fat will make us fat. Turns out this is not true. Fat does not make us fat- eating too many calories makes us gain weight. All that low fat, high carb, high sugar foods burn through our system quickly making us hungry most of the time. You cannot feel full for long periods of time eating high carb foods with low fat.

When you switch to a low carb way of eating you have taken away your body’s preferred energy source, carbs, so you must replace it.

I know it can seem scary to start eating a high amount of fat. I resisted this idea for years but trust me, you need fat for energy, proper nutrition, healthy brain function and you will feel full much longer. I am very seldom hungry now, but it took me a long time to get over this fear.

There are 3 different kinds of fats- the good, okay and the ugly.

Healthy fats include olive oil, nuts, olives, coconut oil and avocados. These fats help lower cholesterol, lower incidents of breast cancer and improve immunity. These are the fats that we will be adding to your low carb way of eating.

Other fats such as butter, fatty animal meats, bacon, sausage, cream, gravies and full fat dairy products are okay on a low carb diet but should be eaten in moderation.

Fats such as vegetable oil, corn oil and sunflower oil should be avoided. These are the fats that are in most prepackaged and precooked foods.

Okay, so now you have a good idea what to include and what to leave out of your low carb diet, let get to work putting this all together in a super easy meal plan

Super Easy Low Carb Meal Plan Formula
This is going to be so much easier than I bet you thought it would be. Ready?

Choose 1 protein for each of your meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner)

Now choose at least 2 vegetable servings for each of your meals (you can eat 2 servings of the same vegetable at each meal if it is easier but make sure you are getting a good variety overall)  Mix up your vegetables with  a mix of the lower and higher carb options so you don’t go over in the amount of carbs for the day.

Next, choose 1 fat for each meal. Cook with some olive oil, add some cheese or alfredo sauce, some avocado etc.

Now choose 1 snack and 1 dessert or low carb bread. I have included a recipe for my favorite low carb dessert/bread that can be made in lots of different flavors. I love dessert so I always make something sweet for after dinner, but you can also make the bread recipe.  

That’s it! Keep it super simple to begin with. This is a good starting point for your low carb way of eating. In the next couple of days, we will be talking more in depth about macros and calories. Soon you will want to start calculating to be sure you are getting the best results, but this plan will get you started without being overwhelmed.

If you would like a copy of these Low Carb Meal Planner worksheets emailed to you so you can print please send me an email at weighlesshabits@gmail.com with subject "meal planner"

What's next in this Low Carb for Beginners 7 Day Course?

Low carb for beginners course day 3 is all about understanding macros- protein, carbs and fats. This is really important to understand so you are sure you are feeding your body exactly what it needs to turn it into a fat burning machine.  You will understand how to calculate exactly what your body needs to get the best results from your low carb diet. 

If you have not ready day 1 of this course, please be sure to go back and read it. I want to be sure you completely understand how to avoid the common low carb diet mistakes. 
