Surprising Ways Lemon Water Burns Tons of Calories

We all know that we should be drinking at least 8 glasses of water each day to stay hydrated but why is that important for weight loss? And how can adding lemons to water boost weight loss efforts?

Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water

  • Improves digestion: helps regulate blood sugar which is responsible for fat storage and sending nutrients where they need to go. 
  • Assists in reducing the absorption of fat: studies show when you are hydrated your body is better able to break down fat.
  • Helps with detoxification: water is important to help your body flush toxins and the peel of lemons contain Leptin which stimulates your liver enzymes to break down waste to be removed easily. 
  • Leptin in lemon peel works as an anti inflammatory agent reducing bloating and puffiness.
  • Boosts metabolism: the more water you drink the more calories you burn at rest. Drinking 2 cups of water increases the amount of calories burned by up to 30% for the following hour. 
  • Curbs appetite: drinking water before a meal can help you feel full and reduces the amount of calories eaten by 13%.
  • Keeps your body hydrated so you know when you are truly hungry: our bodies cannot tell the difference between hunger and thirst. If there is even a slight dehydration our brain may send a hunger signal when you really just need water. 
  • Get sick less often: one lemon provides 187% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C boosting your immunity. 

You Lemon Water Metabolism Boosting, Fat Fighting Plan 

Every morning cut a lemon in 4 quarters after washing thoroughly.

As soon as you get up, squeeze one quarter lemon into a mug of warm water adding a teaspoon of cinnamon and Stevia to taste if desired (don’t use any other type of artificial sweetener. Stevia is natural and your body knows how to process it- all others are artificial and your body doesn’t know what to do with it).
Drinking warm lemon water first thing in the morning boosts your metabolism and puts your body into calorie burning mode. It also rehydrates, gives you a burst of natural energy and helps your body release toxins and waste that your body processed overnight.  Adding cinnamon helps boost your metabolism as well and cinnamon seems to target the abdominal fat cells in your body more than anywhere else. 

Before each meal squeeze one quarter lemon into 2 cups of water and drink most of it before you start to eat.  You will feel full faster and eat 13% less calories and burn up to 30% more calories for the next hour. 

Leave the peels in your cup until the end of the day to release Leptin and will give the water more flavor. If you do not like the taste of plain lemon water you can add a little Stevia to make healthy lemonade. 

Use a Straw to Protect Your Teeth

The acidity of lemons can damage the enamel of your teeth. It is best to drink your lemon water using a straw to lessen the impact on your teeth. 
I use a covered 16 ounce cup with built in straw and leave the peels in until the end of the day. 

Putting It All Together  

The best part of this plan is how it all works together. You will be hydrated, reduced appetite, decreased fat storage, get sick less often, more energy, increased metabolism and detox naturally. 

Pretty great benefits from just drinking water. So, go grab a glass and get started now.
